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Course Overview

Video: Tradition and the individual talent

Video: mcqs-Batter my heart, of truth, of studies, the tyger, the lamb, elegy and Lycidas

Video: Of Truth and Of Studies

Video: Mac Flecknoe (part 1)

Video: Mac Flecknoe (part 2)

Video: The Tyger and The Lamb

Video: Lycidas

Video: Elegy written in a Country Churchyard(HSST)

Video: The Cannonization

Video: Batter my Heart (part 2)

Video: Crash-Elegy &On His Blindness

Video: crash-Of studies & The trumpet club

Video: Paradise Lost

Video: Rape of the lock and The Battle of the Books

Video: Hamlet (part 1)

Video: The Battle of books (part 2,Doctor Faustus (part 2) & ARed ,Red Rose

Video: Sonnets 18,30 & 116 & Of marriage and Single life (part 1)

Video: Hamlet (part 2)

Video: Batter my Heart (part 1)

Video: Twelfth night (part 1)

Video: Tom Jones,Utopia, The Canterbery Tales (part 1)

Video: Dream children (part 2) & Oxford in the Vacation (part 1)

Video: The Prisoner of Chillon (part 2)

Video: Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking (part 2)

Video: Sunday Morning

Video: Organs of Speech

Video: Morphology

Video: Phonology

Video: The Language of Paradox (part 2)

Video: Biographia literaria (part 4)

Video: Revision-Poetics (class 4)

Video: To his coy mistress & Tom Jones (part 2)

Video: To his coy mistress & Tom Jones (part 2)

Video: To his coy mistress & Tom Jones (part 1)

Video: Pamela,Robinson Crusoe & The Interesting Narrative (part 1)

Video: The Spanish tragedy,Epithalamion

Video: Beowulf,Sir Patrick Spense,Chevy Chase

Video: The School for Scandal (hsa part 1)

Video: The School for Scandal (HSST part 1)

Video: The School for Scandal (hsst part 2)

Video: The School for Scandal (hsst part 3)

Video: The School for Scandal

Video: The Scholar Gypsy (part 1)

Video: The Scholar gypsy (part 2)

Video: Oxford in the vacation (original)

Video: On Knocking at the Gates of Macbeth (part 2)

Video: Andrea del Sarto (part 2) & On knocking at the Gate of Macbeth (part 1)

Video: Andrea del Sarto (part 1)

Video: Dream children (part 2) & Oxford in the Vacation (part 1)

Video: The Prisoner of Chillon (part 2)

Video: Prisoner of Chillon(part 1)

Video: Ode to the West wind

Video: Ode to a Nightingale

Video: Ode to Intimations of Immortality from Childhood memories (part 1)

Video: Lotos Eaters and Dover Beach

Video: Ulysses & Lotos Eaters (part 2)

Video: Ulysses & Lotos Eaters (part1)

Video: Pygmalion (HSST part 2)

Video: Crash-Daddy & Where the mind is without fear

Video: Tradition and the individual talent

Video: Pygmalion (part 1)


Video: Pygmalion(part 3)

Video: Waiting for Godot (part 1)

Video: Waiting for Godot (part 2)

Video: Waiting for Godot (part 3)

Video: Daddy

Video: Pygmalion(mcqs and answers)

Video: Waiting for Godot (part 1)

Video: Waiting for Godot (part 2)

Video: Waiting for Godot (part 3)

Video: The Play boy of the Western World (part 2)

Video: Murder in the Cathedral (part 1)

Video: murder in the cathedral (part 2)

Video: Anne Hathway & Thought fox

Video: On the Move & Play boy of the Western World

Video: Church Going & In Memory of W.B Yeats

Video: The Waste land

Video: Twelfth night (part 2), the second coming, sailing to Byzantium (part 1)

Video: Sailing to Byzantium (part 2), poem in october & church going(part 1)

Video: Pygmalion (HSST part 1)

Video: Dance like a man & Miights children

Video: Model test 2 (part 2) & Harvest

Video: My grandmother's house, freaks & Coromandel fishers

Video: Gitanjali (part 2) & A River & The Striders

Video: Trance of Waiting & Background,Casually

Video: Gitanali

Video: Discussion on Nagamandala

Video: Dhvani theory

Video: Dhvani Theory (part 2)

Video: Nagamandala


Video: THEORY OF RASA (part 2)

Video: Revision-Rasa and Dhvani (part 1)

Video: Revision -Rasa and Dhvani(part 2)

Video: Revision-Dhvani and Poetics (class 3)

Video: The White tiger

Video: Malgudi days

Video: The Serpant and the Rope & Clear Light of Day

Video: The Serpant and the Rope & Clear Light of Day

Video: silence, the court is in session (part 1)

Video: silence, the court is in session (part 2)

Video: Dance like a man & Miights children

Video: The God of Small Things (part 2)

Video: The God of Small Things (part 2)1

Video: The God of Small Things (part 3)

Video: The God of Small Things (Part 4)

Video: The Untouchable

Video: Malgudi days (part 2), Is there an Indian Way of Thinking

Video: I Felt a Funeral in my Brain & Phenomenal Woman

Video: I Felt a Funeral in my Brain & Phenomenal Woman 1

Video: Raven

Video: Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking (part 1)

Video: Crash-Home Burial

Video: Home Burial

Video: Crash-The Glass Menagerie (HSA & HSST)

Video: The Glass Menagerie (part 1)

Video: The Glass Menagerie (part 2)

Video: The Glass Menagerie (part 3)

Video: Emperor Jones

Video: TEST 13 -Indo European family of languages

Video: Indo-European family of languages (part 1)

Video: Indo-European family of languages (part 2)

Video: TEST-12 Stress, rhythm and Intonation

Video: Test11-Stress,intonation and rhythm

Video: Stress,rhythm and intonation

Video: Test 10-Organs of Speech,Classification of Speech sounds&transcription

Video: phonetic transcription

Video: Classification of Speech sounds

Video: Stress,Rhythm and Intonation

Video: Semantics

Video: TEST 9-Morphology and Syntax

Video: test 8-morphology,syntax

Video: Syntax

Video: test 6-transformation of sentences,phonology

Video: Transformation of sentences 2 and Concord 1


Video: structuralism

Video: Sigmund Freud ( Preconscious, Conscious Subconscious, Id, Ego & Super Ego)

Video: Tradition, Institution and Formations

Video: Modernity an Incomplete project

Video: Epistemology of the Closet

Video: Shakespeare and the exhorcist

Video: Orientalism

Video: The Laugh of Medusa

Video: Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness

Video: Marxism & Literatue

Video: A Room of One's own (part 3

Video: A Room of One's Own (part 2)

Video: A Room of One's Own (part 1

Video: Biographia literaria

Video: Tradition and the individual talent

Video: An Apology for Poetry (final part)

Video: An Apology for Poetry (part 3)

Video: An Apology for Poetry (detailed (part 1)

Video: An Apology for poetry

Video: Deconstruction (revision)

Video: The Archetypes of Literature (HSST)

Video: The Archetypes of Literature ( part 2)

Video: The language of paradox (hsst)

Video: Biographia literaria (HSST)

Video: Alankara & Tradition and the Individual Talent (HSST)

Video: Tradition and the Individual talent & Preface to the Lyrical ballads

Video: Poetics (HSST)

Video: Poetics (HSST)

Video: Revision 6-Tradition and the Individual Talent

Video: Revision 7-Biographia Literaria

Video: Biographia literaria (part 4)

Video: Biographia Literaria (part 3

Video: Biographia literaria (part 2)

Video: Differance (part 1)

Video: Differance (part 2) & Beyond the Pleasure principle

Video: Unities of Discourse

Video: Fetishism in the Commodities and the Secret thereof

Video: Two Lectures

Rs. 3000.00
Rs. 6000.00
  • Duration :309:21:52 Hours
  • Course Duration :30 Days


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